
Sturgeon Aquafarms – Press-Release – October 22, 2018

Sturgeon Aquafarms – Press-Release – October 22, 2018

BASCOM, MIAMI, October 22, 2018.

Sturgeon Aquafarms LLC, the exclusive aquaculture facility in the possession of the Caspian Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) in the United States and the largest Beluga fish farm in the world, together with Marky’s Caviar, it’s exclusive distributor of Beluga caviar in the US, today jointly announced that a planned sustainable production of the world renown Beluga caviar for the 2018 holiday season would be reduced due the aftermath of hurricane Michael.

“This extremely powerful storm, that recently swept Northern Florida, caused widespread damages, including electrical power outages leading to a disruption of our 2018 production cycle.” – said Mark Zaslavsky, Managing Partner of Sturgeon Aquafarms LLC and CEO of Marky’s Caviar. “Despite this extraordinary situation, we are committed to delivering our first harvest of this locally produced highest-quality Beluga caviar. We are doing everything possible so the gourmet food lovers from around the world can enjoy this exclusive delicacy.”

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Category : Press Room
Published On : Oct 26, 2018
Florida-based caviar producer damaged by Hurricane Michael

Florida-based caviar producer damaged by Hurricane Michael

By Cliff White
October 24, 2018

Sturgeon Aquafarms, which produces caviar and sturgeon meat at its farm in Bascom, Florida, suffered extensive damage during Hurricane Michael, forcing a reduction of its production of beluga caviar in advance of the 2018 holiday season.


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Category : Press Room
Published On : Oct 25, 2018
Spook-Tacular Halloween Party Ideas and Recipes

Spook-Tacular Halloween Party Ideas and Recipes

Shhh… Can you hear that? It seems someone (or something) is coming to the door of your house and is going to knock. You freeze and listen to silence, which will be shattered by a sudden hit at the door in a matter of seconds. Bang, bang, bang! It’s Halloween! Hurry up to welcome it! And don’t forget about the sweets you wisely stocked up on.

Let’s make your Halloween celebration ghoulishly delightful! We will need some startling themed decorations and a fang-tastic festive menu.

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Category : Recipes
Published On : Oct 17, 2018
Columbus Day Picnic and Barbeque Ideas

Columbus Day Picnic and Barbeque Ideas

Columbus Day, Native Americans’ Day, Indigenous Peoples’ Day, or Discover Day – whatever name you consider proper to call this day – is coming to remind us about the deed of Christopher Columbus and his crew, which changed the course of history.

On October 12, 1492, the Italian-Spanish navigator and 90 sailors landed on a Bahamian island after a four-month journey. And if someone had told him then how much his discovery would be influencing lives of hundreds of millions of people for many centuries ahead, he would have only laughed at that weirdo and told him to go take some rest in the cabin.

... Read MoreColumbus Day Picnic and Barbeque Ideas

Category : Recipes
Published On : Oct 3, 2018
Best Kosher Recipes for Rosh Hashanah Celebrations

Best Kosher Recipes for Rosh Hashanah Celebrations

What does Rosh Hashanah mean to you? This Jewish holiday marks the anniversary of the creation of the universe, the beginning of a new year, and a warm family get-together after the prayer service.

That is why Rosh Hashanah is certainly one of the most anticipated celebrations. It reminds of the value of life, gives hope for a change to the better, and unites people. No matter what you prefer to compare life with, a circle or a spiral, and even if you don’t really care about all this geometry, Rosh Hashanah still may and will signify a brand-new stage of your life, where you can improve what you have and to realize what you’ve been dreaming of.

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Category : Recipes
Published On : Sep 7, 2018
Your Best Gourmet Picnic on Labor Day

Your Best Gourmet Picnic on Labor Day

Why do we like Labor Day? Because this holiday is always a pleasant added bonus to the first fall weekend? Yep, let’s count this idea. Why else?

Because Labor Day celebration is held all over the US to pay tribute to all working people, regardless of their professions, work experience, and spheres of activity. Right. Labor Day honors our application of knowledge and skills to the jobs we do, as well as our very desire to make a decent living.  

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Category : Food Stories
Published On : Aug 30, 2018