
Squid Ink: FAQs, Facts, and Know-Hows

Squid Ink: FAQs, Facts, and Know-Hows

If you weren’t born in Japan or in the Mediterranean, you know for sure that only dark chocolate, coffee and tea can be black. Even though these foods are actually not black but rather dark brown, everyone’s fine with “black.” We all know it since childhood.

So, should you surrender to your curiosity and try really black pasta or really black risotto? Black foods are both attractive and intimidating. While red color smells and tastes with strawberry, and green color smells and tastes with fresh cucumber, we can hardly associate black color with something edible. Until we find out about squid ink.

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Category : Food Stories
Published On : Feb 24, 2020
Magic Christmas Party Ideas and Table Decorations for Your Marvelous Celebration

Magic Christmas Party Ideas and Table Decorations for Your Marvelous Celebration

Christmas is a milestone that marks the end of what we’ve been through and the beginning of what’s awaiting us.

Christmas is a point in time and space where our past meets our future. And while our memories are hanging out with our anticipations, we can peacefully enjoy the moment together with our dearest and nearest.

This feeling of joy that we are sharing with the people we love makes Christmas time magic and warm, despite the winter weather. Rain and snow forecasts are powerless to stop the holiday hustle and bustle, sounding with Dean Martin’s and Frank Sinatra’s songs, smelling with pine and citrus.

So are the gloomy weather forecasts powerless to prevent us from shopping in search of beautiful gifts and delicious foods.

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Category : Food Stories
Published On : Dec 11, 2019
Flavorful and Tasteful Thanksgiving Recipes for the Hearty Family Dinner

Flavorful and Tasteful Thanksgiving Recipes for the Hearty Family Dinner

Somehow, Thanksgiving makes us reminisce about the time we enjoyed with family and friends, and about past things we are sincerely thankful for now.

Therein is the magic of this holiday. It brings our dearest and nearest together into the kitchen and around the table. Then, while we are enjoying warm foods, old jokes, and the Macy’s parade or the NFL game, this magic unobtrusively takes us all back to the moments when we were happy.

Or it’s not magic, but just the last slice of flavorful turkey and a glass of good wine.

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Category : Recipes
Published On : Nov 11, 2019
Halloween Party Decorations: Boo-tiful and Fa-boo-lously Delicious

Halloween Party Decorations: Boo-tiful and Fa-boo-lously Delicious

Park your broom and sit for a spell! It’s Halloween!

There it is, right around the corner, taking quick peeks to see if you are ready for the sweet and spooky celebration. Or probably, it’s just a ghost yard stake, which your neighbor has set up on their lawn.

So, let’s look through your Halloween checklist and see what else can help you throw a spook-tacular bash for your dearest and nearest.

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Category : Food Stories
Published On : Oct 21, 2019
Homey Barbeque Recipes for Your Columbus Day Celebration 2019

Homey Barbeque Recipes for Your Columbus Day Celebration 2019

Indigenous Peoples’ Day, which we also know as Columbus Day, is coming to remind us about two meaningful things. Firstly, it is our celebration of the priceless social and cultural diversity of our country. Secondly, it is our good chance to throw a big homey cookout for family and friends in the golden rays of the October sun.

Let’s see what we are going to toast on October 14, and plan a hearty barbeque menu for the holiday.

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Category : Recipes
Published On : Sep 30, 2019
Columbus Day: 5 Unusual Foods You Should Explore

Columbus Day: 5 Unusual Foods You Should Explore

Columbus Day is coming on second Monday of the October. It means that the whole country officially celebrates the Columbus Day, when Americans have an opportunity to spread the patriotism all over the continent. America truly shares a bond with the name of Columbus, for this reason let's remeber some interesting Columbus Day facts, as well as of honorable sailor himself.

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Category : Recipes
Published On : Sep 25, 2019