
12 quail eggs
1 baguette, cut into 24 slices
8 ounces Bowfin black caviar

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1. Place quail eggs in a small saucepan filled with water, and bring water to a boil. Boil 30 seconds, and turn off heat. Cover. For slightly soft eggs, let eggs stand in hot water 2 1/2 minutes; for firmer eggs, let eggs stand in hot water 2 minutes more.

2. Prepare a bowl of cold water. Remove eggs from hot water; submerge in cold water. Let eggs stand 5 minutes. Remove from water, and remove shells.

3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place bread on a baking sheet; toast until golden brown.

4. Slice eggs lengthwise; cover loosely with plastic wrap. Spread 1 teaspoon caviar on each piece of toast, top with half an egg, and garnish with 1/4 teaspoon caviar. Serve.